Engineer in Geographical Sciences, Master in Socio-Environmental Studies (FLACSO), currently coursing the doctoral program in History and Geography at the University of Cantabria. Professional expert in the use of geographic information systems and land planning with experience in the use and valuation of the natural resources. Associated participant (Collaborator) in national as well as international projects related to environmental protection and environmental management. Currently, he is carrying out the functions of the Coordination of the Limoncocha Scientific Station, where apart from the scientific work of the place, community outreach and relationship programs are carried out with the communities present in the area of the Limoncocha Biological Reserve.
At 46 years old, married and working for SEK International University since 07/01/1997. Jendry is in charge of the Limoncocha Scientific Station as the Head of Maintenance. He is In charge of maintenance, cleaning and logistics in transporting supplies, transfer for students and teachers who visit the station. Jendry also has activities as a technical assistant in different studies due to his expertise in the area regarding the sampling and monitoring of natural resources.
Project | Period | Faculty | Thematic area | Director |
Limnological restoration of the Limoncocha Lagoon | 2019-2021 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Science Research | PhD. Miguel Martínez Fresneda |
Evolutionary, Ecoepidemiological Patterns, and In silico diagnosis of Emerging Diseases | 2019-2020 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Science Research | PhD. Juan Carlos Navarro |
Prevalence of Trypanosomossis in Animals of Livestock Interest in the Coastal and Amazon Region of Ecuador | 2020-2022 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Science Research | PhD. José Rubén Ramírez |
Evaluation and Prevention of Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases and Public Health Risk in the Population of Limoncocha, Sucumbíos | 2020-2021 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Community outreach | PhD. José Rubén Ramírez |
Epidemiological Patterns of Neglected and Re-Emerging Diseases | 2021-2025 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Science Research | PhD. Juan Carlos Navarro |
Gender Mainstreaming as a Transformative Strategy Towards Equity: Case Study of the Bio-Entrepreneurship of Organic Guayusa Cultivation and Derivatives in the Kichwa Community of Limoncocha | 2021-2022 | Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas | Science Research | PhD. Elena Burgaleta |
Technological Development in the Limoncocha Community Through the Application of Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Transport | 2022-2023 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Community outreach | Msc. María Gabriela Mancheno Falconí y MSc. Jaime Vinicio Molina Osejos |
Implementation of Health Promotion Strategies in Communities Comprising the Parishes of Carcelén, Santo Domingo, and Limoncocha | 2022-2023 | Faculty of Health Sciences | Community outreach | PhD. José Rubén Ramírez |
Support and Mentorship for Bio-Entrepreneurship in the Limoncocha Community | 2022-2024 | Faculty of Health Sciences | Community outreach | PhD. José Gabriel Salazar Loor |
Promotion of Mental Health in the Communities of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Limoncocha, and the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ) 2023-2024, UISEK Psychological Care Center | 2022-2023 | Faculty of Health Sciences | Community outreach | Msc. Michelle Stephanie Medina Herdoiza |
Application of Automotive Repair and Painting Techniques in the Limoncocha Community | 2022-2023 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Community outreach | Msc. María Gabriela Mancheno Falconí |
Implementation of Health Promotion Interventions in the Communities of Santo Domingo, Limoncocha, and the Metropolitan District of Quito (DMQ) 2023-2024 | 2022-2023 | Faculty of Health Sciences | Community outreach | Msc. Adriana Gabriela Castillo Landín |
Opportunities for Crop Automation in the Limoncocha Community | 2023-2025 | Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences | Community outreach | Msc. María Gabriela Mancheno Falconí |
Intangible Values of Protected Areas in Ecuador: Case Study of the Limoncocha Biological Reserve | 2023-2025 | Faculty of Architecture and Engineering | Science Research | PhD. José Gabriel Salazar Loor |
Implementation of a Training Program on Environmental Impact Recognition and Sustainable Use of Environmental Resources in the Limoncocha Community | 2024-2025 | Faculty of Architecture and Engineering | Community outreach | PhD. José Gabriel Salazar Loor |
English Language Training for Park Rangers of the Limoncocha Biological Reserve Under the MAATE Program | 2024-2025 | Faculty of Architecture and Engineering | Community outreach | PhD. José Gabriel Salazar Loor |
Political Participation Rights Journal for the Inhabitants of Limoncocha | 2024-2025 | Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences | Community outreach | MSc. Roberto Alejandro Bravo Freire |
1 bedroom with two one and a half size beds
2 bedrooms with 7 one size bunk beds